I take your privacy very seriously, but in the interests of transparency…



I will never sell your contact information, or share it with others, for any purpose other than to conduct our mutual business.

I will never share with third parties any confidential proprietary information that you provide for the production of voiceover services, except as may be required by law.

Where appropriate, and with your permission, I like to share examples of my work on my website and social media channels, in order to help promote my business. Where material is already in the public realm (e.g. YouTube) I will generally interpret this to mean that sharing is OK unless I’m told otherwise. I will always contact you first to ask if this is ok with you and/or third party clients. As a general rule, I prefer to host material on my own private Vimeo channel, but if you can only provide me with links, that is also perfectly understandable.


I may use third-party cookies (from reputable companies) to help me analyze how this website is used, in order to keep the wheels on the bus turning smoothly, and to deliver the best possible experience.

I am currently using services from the following companies, who help me improve my website experience through the use of (sadly inedible) cookies:

Google Analytics


Your connection to this website is encrypted using SSL (providing that you’re using a modern browser which supports an HTTPS connection). Emails sent directly to my email address are not encrypted (beyond whatever encryption may be provided by your ISP or email service provider).

If you need to send confidential and proprietary materials, or other information you would prefer to keep private, please contact me first – or send your information as an encrypted and password-protected ZIP file.